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Extending modern bank services to every citizen in Digital India

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

India is a nation of 1.3 billion people, more than half under the age of 30. Youthful drive is catapulting India into a global economic powerhouse, yet the country grapples with historic issues of poverty and corruption. State Bank of India (SBI) is the nation’s biggest and oldest bank. As a government-run entity, it serves a social mission, including support of the “Digital India” initiative to transform India to a modern cashless society. SBI also must compete efficiently as a business, satisfying shareholders and introducing new digital and mobile banking services meeting customer demand. To support these goals, SBI undertook its own digital transformation. Re-architecting its IT stack for growth, efficiency, and next-generation agility, SBI stands ready to help each Indian citizen participate in a thriving economy.

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